An Introduction to Parallel Processing

Parallel and Distributed Computing

Dr. Guy Tel-Zur

About the course (back to the top)

The course is a modern introduction to Parallel Processing. The course covers theoretical parallel algorithms and practical tools such as: MPI, OpenMP, OpenCilk, and parallel profiling tools. Other topics include: Code optimization, and High-Throughput Computing -HTCondor.

The course is more practical than theoretical and it is oriented toward Scientific Computing.
Basic Linux and C skills are mandatory and expected to be self taught by lecture 3.

Connect (back to the top)

Schedule (back to the top)

Meeting Topic Lecture Material Complementary Material
Begining of Semester
1 Introduction - Course Overview, administration, and requirements Slides Parallel Computing Explained In 3 Minutes

Guy Tel-Zur lecture: Introduction to parallel Programming - Message Passing Interface (MPI)
2 Introduction - Course Overview (continued) Slides
Parallel Computing Explained In 3 Minutes

Guy Tel-Zur lecture: Introduction to parallel Programming - Message Passing Interface (MPI)
3 Parallel Programming in Distributed Memory
- The Message Passing Interface - MPI
MPI Tutorials
4 Hands-on & demos:
- Getting to know Linux
- Hands-on practice with MPI
- Parallel Profilers (Jumpshot, Scalasca)

Example programs:
MPI-2 get and put: cpi2.c
MPI reference card

Linux tutorials in PDF

5 Algorithms 1

- Embarrassingly Parallel Computations
- Partitioning and Divide and Conquer

Home assignment #1
6 Algorithms 2

- Synchronous Computations
Slides Top500
More onIterative methods
7 Algorithms 3

- Numerical Linear Algebra
- MPI Topologies

Home assignment #2

Example codes:

ScaLAPACK: a portable linear algebra library for distributed
memory computers - design issues and performance

8 Algorithms 4

- Sorting Algorithms,
- Pipeline
- Load balancing
9 Parallel Programming in Shared Memory
- Introduction
- OpenMP

Home assignment #3
Slides OpenMP home
OpenMP quick reference card
10 OpenMP - continued
- OpenMP Tasking
- Open Cilk
- Hybrid MPI and OpenMP
Slides Charles E. Leiserson receives 2014 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award
11 Distributed Computing - High Throughput Computing
- Introduction to Grid Computing
- Introduction to HTCondor
- Introduction to Pegasus

Home assignment #4


HTCondor Tutorial
12 Optimizations

- Vectorization
- The Roofline model
- Aos and Soa
- Loops optimizations
Slides Xeon Phi
13 - Parallel Matlab
- Introduction to OpenACC
- Image Processing
- Course summary

Preparation to the exam

References (back to the top)


Other recommended textbooks

Tutorials and guides

Linux UNIX/Linux tutorial
UNIX/Linux from Scratch (a free book)EGEE and SEE-GRID Summer School on Grid Applicationpport

C programming language
C tutorial

Parallel Computing
LLNL Introduction to Parallel Computing
SC08 Parallel Computing 101

Message Passing Interface
LLNL MPI tutorial
LLNL Advanced MPI
MPI for Dummies
MPI reference card

LLNL tutoriial
OpenMP reference card

Parallel Processing Courses around the world

UCSB  CS240A: Applied Parallel Computing
Berkeley CS267/EngC233, Applications of Parallel Computers, Spring 2010
Indiana U., B673: Parallel Scientific Computing, Spring 2011
University of Washington, CSE 524, WI '08 - Parallel Algorithms
UCLA CS 239 Parallel Programming Languages Winter 2009
Par Lab Boot Camp - Short Course on Parallel Programming>

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